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Self Sufficient Jason : Softball Myth Busted Windmill Motion Causes Overuse Injuries Reports Top Softball Coach

Self Sufficient Jason : Softball Myth Busted Windmill Motion Causes Overuse Injuries Reports Top Softball Coach

Self Sufficient Jason : Softball Myth Busted Windmill Motion Causes Overuse Injuries Reports Top Softball Coach - Softball Myth Busted Windmill Motion Causes Overuse Injuries, Reports Top Softball Coach

A top softball coach reports that, contrary to Common belief, underhand pitching can cause injuries as much as overhand pitching does.

Top softball peak performance coach Marc Dagenais bases his report on the investigation conducted by Rojas IL, Provencher MT, Bhatia S, Foucher KC, Bach BR, Romeo AA, Wimmer MA, and Verma NN, which was published in the American journal of sports medicine.

It was conducted utilizing seven female softball pitchers as test subjects. Throughout the tests, it was discovered thin the force exerted by the biceps during a windmill throw was higher than average overhand pitches.

The study found thin the windmill motion performed by elite softball players causes high amounts of s ... [Read More - Self Sufficient Jason]

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Self Sufficient Jason : Softball Myth Busted Windmill Motion Causes Overuse Injuries Reports Top Softball Coach

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